As technology has advanced, we have developed many products that were later discovered to be hazardous. Even today, scientists are discovering dangerous products that we did not worry about before. This is not a concern unless you find yourself involved with some of these materials directly. A major source of contact with hazardous materials is during demolition or removals on older properties. It is good to know what the potential dangers are so you can avoid being harmed by them. Here are a few of the more common problems.
- Asbestos: Asbestos has been used throughout history, and in the early 20th century, manufacturers found many uses. Unfortunately, despite its unique properties, it was discovered to be harmful to humans, most often as an airborne particulate. Asbestos can be found as insulation, in walls, and around pipes. Also, places where a heat shield might have been used. If you find this material, you should call asbestos removal companies in Perth and arrange safe disposal.
- Lead: Lead has a similar history to asbestos; it was used throughout history, and no one knew how dangerous it was. Lead was used to make pipes, paint, body fill on cars, and weights for fishing and ship ballast. Lead is toxic and needs to be taken to a facility that knows how to handle it. Lead is still in use, and if you return to the proper location, they will usually pay you something for it. Other than that, it is best to avoid handling it whenever possible.
- Mercury: Mercury is harder to find because of its nature; it sometimes evaporates and disappears. Mercury is very dangerous. It can be absorbed through the skin and cause serious health problems, even death. Mercury can still be found in electrical switches, thermometers, sink traps, and medical devices.
- PCB’s: Polychlorinated biphenyls were used before 1979 in electrical equipment such as ballasts. It also found use in gasket materials sealants and plastics, and molded rubber, among other things. It is usually in a liquid form, clear or yellowish. It is toxic and can result in serious health issues.
Because it is impossible to know the components of materials when you are doing demolition work or cleaning up old properties, it is best to be as cautious as possible. A mask with a high level of filtration, gloves, and perhaps rubber gloves inside work gloves. Do your best to identify dangerous materials before you take them to a landfill, and if you are concerned, it is best to contact a disposal expert instead of taking chances.